MTI Exhibitor at Annual SGNA Conference in Nashville
May 2-6, 2014

MTI was invited to be an Exhibitor at the 41st annual Society of Gastroenterology Nurses and Associates(SGNA) conference in Nashville, TN. The conference promotes education and highlights advances in clinical gastroenterology. Attended primarily by Americans and Europeans, this opportunity saw MTI developing an education and marketing strategy targeting gastrointestinal nursing professionals who are a patient’s link to asking questions about colorectal cancer screening and PolypDx™. Feedback regarding the MTI booth, education materials, and product-line feedback was very positive evidenced by much discussions and follow-ups.

At a time when the American medical and insurance communities are re-evaluating the benefits of colonoscopy over less expensive non-invasive colorectal cancer screening tools, this is an exciting period for MTI to begin building an American presence in preparation for launching PolypDx™.