About Us

Metabolomic Technologies Inc. (MTI) is a privately-held Canadian company based in Edmonton, Canada. Established in 2010 as a spin-off from the University of Alberta, MTI specializes in metabolomics-based diagnostics for the healthcare market. Focused on driving novel research findings to commercial products, MTI received the 2014 North American Frost & Sullivan award for Technology Innovation Leadership.

Our flagship product, PolypDx™ , is the first and only urine-based test with a high sensitivity for detecting adenomatous polyps, the precursor to colorectal cancer (CRC). PolypDX™ provides healthcare professionals with a tool for early screening and detection, enabling the timely removal of polyps before they progress to colorectal cancer.

We would like to thank our funding agencies and collaborators for providing resources towards realizing our goals. See Funders and Collaborators.